Monday, January 10, 2011

House Love

Although we're gearing up for another move, I know that this will only be temporary. I haven't abandoned the idea of staying on in Pittsburgh indefinitely and purchasing a home of our very own, whose walls I can plaster with Arts and Crafts-style wallpaper, and where we won't hear the sound of a neurotic shepherd mix's sharp barks on the other side of our door multiple times a day. Perhaps it's the idea of very soon being, as they say, "in the money"; tomorrow I take on Job #3 as a housekeeper for a woman in Morningside, one neighborhood over. No one who has seen where I live would ever, in their right mind, hire me to clean their home, as it's clear to anyone with eyes that I'm incapable of such a task, but the difference is that no one pays me to tidy up my living quarters. Not a big priority of mine, and it's long been a source of amazement how so many people pay someone to do it for them. I'd clean more often, but it's hard to make time to do that every single day when I know that, within mere hours, the place will return to its state of dishevelment. I'm cool with that.
As I was saying, I'll be raking in a little more weekly cash money AND a hospital bill I've been paying in monthly increments (thanks a lot, Olive. We got to pay for midwives and a c-section! Win-win!) is about to be paid in full, so I'll allow myself the luxury of taking ganders on craigslist at the local real estate listings. One of the many things to love about Pittsburgh is the remarkably low cost of housing. I set the price search low, knowing full well I'd find many attractive options. The second listing I saw was it. I'm totally smitten. It's in Regent Park, still on the east side of the city, but - at 5 miles away - not as close to the zoo as we are now. Still, take a look while the listing's still current. I have no expectations, and don't reckon we'll be in the market to buy a house anytime soon, really, but it's still awfully fun to look! I love the current owners' color choices, the kitchen layout (and the cupboard! Oh, that clean white cupboard!). And the yard is already gardened-up and ready to go! I'd have to check and see if there'd be enough room for some chickens as that will be the deal-breaker when we do decide to buy a home. Still, this is pretty sweet, I think, and just what our family could use. Oh, and look at the price tag. I love you, Pittsburgh.

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