Sunday, December 25, 2011

Sick Christmas Eve

I wish I could say I was using sick in the cool sense, but I was stricken down with the flu. I felt it coming on during the night and woke yesterday feeling mighty unpleasant. I showered, hoping that would put a spring in my step, to no avail. It was my last day as an employee at Olio Fresca and was looking forward to spending it with my wonderful bosses. Rob was encouraging me to stay home but I went in, feeling like if I powered through the queasy, achy feeling would disappear. During our first sale of the day I realized I'd left both the smart phone with the Square (the device with which we swipe credit cards) and the keys to one of the bank bags at home, so off I went, retrieved the items, and zipped back down to the market. I was visibly ill so Larry and Kim sent me back home. Olive was a little out of sorts herself, and I found her draped over Rob's arm, fast asleep in our bed. I climbed in and slipped into a sleep much longer than what it felt like and woke when Olive did. She lolled about sweetly but was very needy. Rob took her out of the room so I could get more rest and I slept for another four hours. I was thankful that my symptoms didn't include vomiting, but I'd only consumed a few grapes over the course of the day. I'd been a bit sad that we'd decided not to travel south to my parents' for Christmas this year - my first away from them - but I was glad to just be home in my state. Rob and I wound down the evening watching the eighth and final installment of The Beatles Anthology, a documentary we'd been watching most evenings. I've also been reading Wonderful Tonight: George Harrison, Eric Clapton, and Me, the autobiography of Pattie Boyd, the absolutely darling model who was married to both musicians, making them "husbands-in-law", as the two friends put it. By the time I was ready for bed I was feeling the sickness wearing off and woke up at nine o'clock this morning refreshed, rested, hungry, and completely well. Though I miss my family today, I'm feeling thankful for the exceptional quiet and calm in our house, my loving husband, and daughter who takes after him more and more with her loving sweetness.

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