Monday, May 2, 2011

She Has the Hives

On about a weekly or bi-weekly basis, Olive contracts a mean-looking bout of hives. It always seems to not bother her, but the splotchy red rash that covers her legs and arms can be an alarming sight to a mother. I did some research on skin conditions and was relieved to see that Olive's spots closely resemble hives and not some of the uglier dermal disorders. Hives I can handle; impetigo I cannot (my brother had it as a baby and still wears the scar). Or Fifth's Disease, aka "Slapped Face Syndrome". Who wants to go round looking like they're slapping their 14 month-old? Not me. The problem with this rash is pinpointing the cause. She'll have sudden breakouts, as was the case this afternoon, and it's difficult for me to recollect specific things that may have led to her reaction. Today's occurred shortly after a diaper change, and Rob once speculated that it could be something as subtle as the wash cycle not rinsing out all of the detergent, though I doubt this is it, but who knows. I'm now looking into dietary causes. I think we can rule out wheat, as she frequently snacks on Trader Joes' stoned wheat crackers and Cheerios, and soy she consumes but not as often. She's still had no eggs, dairy, or shellfish, and has only had peanuts on two occasions, once being this afternoon, post-hives. The very first time we saw the spots we guessed they were bites of some sort, which is still a possibility. Though she's around the cats daily, I still haven't ruled them out and am happy to keep them high up on the list of likely perpetrators. If they're causing her hives - benign as they seem - they're out. I feel like I need just one final reason to send them packing, and if this is it, so be it. I can only handle so much more of stepping in and cleaning up Wendell's vomit after he's knocked over a box of crackers then feasted on the spillage, or Ché's recent affinity with spraying in laundry baskets.

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