Thursday, May 24, 2012

When Baking Soda and Apple Cider Vinegar No Longer Do the Trick

It's been two and a half months since my hair has been cleansed by shampoo.  Do I miss it?  Absolutely.  There was a brief period when I felt like my hair was at its best as a result, but mostly it's been a major challenge.  The baking soda has stopped doing its scalp-cleaning thing and has since started building up, mostly in the back of my head, leaving a slightly greasy, slightly tacky mass that makes my skin crawl every time I touch it.  Instead of the apple cider vinegar rinse I'd been using, I experimented with lemon juice and honey (I like the honey), but the lemon pulp would get stuck in my hair and dry.  Not fun.  Today I very nearly broke the streak and washed it, but my hands alit on a bottle of baby powder in the bathroom closet.  I got an idea.  I shook some all over the greasier areas, around the crown, and hit the offending spot in back, then rubbed it all in really well.  Then I brushed thoroughly, trying to loosen the white powder from the strands, and could really see a difference.  I didn't succeed in getting out all of it, but the upside to this is that I could see what I'd look like once my hair really goes grey (it's there now, though harder to see from a distance).  It completely worked and breaking out the bottle of shampoo in a fit of being fed up with nasty (but not stripped, of course!) hair was averted.  It's an interesting journey, this commitment to going shampoo-free.


  1. Hey Heather, I don't think I've used shampoo since October of 2010. I've been using strictly Baking Soda & Rose infused ACV for about 6 months now. I find that one of those wide toothed shower combs does a great job of distribution through the hair, pre rinse. Occasionally I mix a bit of bronners in with the baking soda too. I like the texture of my hair much more without shampoo!

  2. Thanks for the tip! I usually try to avoid combing or brushing my hair when it's wet because that's when it's more fragile, but it makes sense that it would help with distribution of cleanser. I washed my hair this morning with bs and acv after a few days of it being dry and after the baby powder (unscented from Avalon Organics) and it became a bit greasy again. I'm really not a fan of getting my hair wet at all these days. It'd be a lot easier if my hair was short, I suppose.
