Wednesday, May 16, 2012

We'll Wean When We Want

In light of the backlash of the most recent issue of Time magazine, this article was released and I think it's wonderful.  I, too, am one of those mothers that most folks have assumed have weaned her child.  I have not nursed in public for nearly two years, yet it's still a daily occurrence.  I hadn't set a timeline for how long this would go on, so this neither surprises me or was something that I'd planned.  I know many children who chose to stop on their own, and I know that Olive will do the same, but I've never wanted to be the one to sever that precious tie.  The fact that she still loves to do it and giggles with glee at the thought makes me glad we're prolonging it, as does the World Health Organization's suggestion that a child be breastfed up to "two years of age or beyond".  It's certainly not causing her any harm and, if anything, it's reinforcing the feeling that she is loved and protected.  Who doesn't want that for a child?

1 comment:

  1. GO ON WITH YO NURSIN' SELF! I completely agree with the sentiment, just not with Time Magazine using a photo like that for shock value when the child featured has no say over whether he wants that sweet-yet-private moment with his mom plastered on a magazine. Especially with her posing in a strategically provocative way, which no one usually stands to nurse. A UK newspaper had a great write-up as a response which featured a group of moms, also pictured nursing their children, but (in my opinion) done in a more "tasteful" way. But at the end of the day, it's a personal decision that's no ones biz but the parents and child! ")
