Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Packing ... fewer than 3 weeks left!

Our time left in Maine is quickly dwindling. On Monday we began collecting boxes from the grocery store (the old man in the produce department at Hannaford praised our decision to move to Pittsburgh). Rob's off to snag some banana boxes from the IGA currently. He spent all of yesterday vigilantly organizing my atrocious cd collection, putting errant discs in their appropriate cases and alphebetizing them in wooden cherry crates. It was a much more complex undertaking than he'd anticipated.
It's hard to believe that this time is finally upon us. Even harder to believe is how much I'll miss it; the friends we've made here are some of the most wonderful people I've ever met and will be greatly missed when we depart. Our Spades partners, Rafi and Anne, and their dear little monster baby, Cecilia, and Robert and Amy and their darlings, Cora and Ellis, are among the many who have made our lives in Maine that much brighter, and we'll look forward to visits with them on future trips to this part of the country.

Good news this week: yesterday my Mac, which was laid up for a few weeks, was put back in the ring; I brought it to my school to see if a USB keyboard would work, and it did. Dana, the vice principal/tech guy, was able to set me up with a spare keyboard and sent me on my way, free of charge! And today we were able to pick up Rob's laptop (whose hard drive had been destroyed and replaced) from Rafi, so now we're back to a house with two fully-functioning computers. It wasn't so bad not having them around; we took walks to the library and played a lot more Spite & Malice, that's for sure, but it was necessary to have them at home for the purposes of sending pictures and such. Speaking of which, here are some long-overdue images from the last few weeks.
A bundled Buggy with her Aunt Jana. Buggy with Grandma Cramer

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