Tuesday, August 9, 2011

She Knows Her Nose

The other day I was playing around with Buggy, prompting her to make her whispery dog barking sounds, and I asked her to show me her nose, not at all expecting her to reach right up and touch it. Apparently she's been paying attention. Then, just to see what else she knew, I asked her to show me her ear (she did), her feet (yes again), hands (she clapped), and belly (this one I knew she knew; she likes to lift her shirt to admire her impressively round melon of a tummy). Another advancement is the move we like to call "goonwalking", since it's not unlike Michael Jackson's trademark Moonwalk. She skids her feet backward until she butts up against a stationary object.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, the girls were showing off their recognition skills on Sunday-- noses, bellies, eyes, ears, clapping-- very keen, they are. sweet video.
