Saturday, October 9, 2010

We Gots the Sickness

My sinuses have a long history of turning against me for the better part of the year. I never can tell whether or not I have a cold or it's just my four-seasonal allergies popping in to say hello. Today marks a full three weeks with a bad cough. In any event, I've learned to deal with it (as Rob's learned to deal with my chronic symphonic nose-blowing). Buggy, on the other hand, is far less accustomed to the nuisance that is a perpetually running nose combined with nasal congestion. On Monday, Kellie came by with her brood for a last quick visit before they took off on a three-week trip to the midwest and Colorado. The Ryans are no strangers to the sickness, and Iris was in full-blown cold mode. Whether she caught it from Iris or me, one thing is for certain: she got it good. On Wednesday night she kept me up nearly all night, hear breath rattly from the mucous blocking her little nostrils. The next night I resolved to be vigilant about feeding her whenever she stirred; replenishing her fluids with the immune-boosting breast milk is the best way to combat a cold in babies (and not over-the-counter meds, as some "experts" would like for mothers to believe). Sho' 'nuff, I noticed a marked difference in her breathing two nights ago, and the dripping had tapered. Yesterday her cheeks were extra rosy thanks to the nose-wiping that had dried her skin, but she was in good spirits all day.

We took advantage of the Indian summer weather by going to the zoo. Rather than spending all of our time with the gorillas as we usually do, we walked around the whole zoo, including the PPG Aquarium, where Buggy enjoyed watched the fish and penguins (and I was mesmerized by the jellyfish...I've always been fascinated by those j-fish, the ghosts of the ocean).

My real highlight of the visit? A little gray Sicilian donkey. The two donkeys had been in quarantine for a while and I'd heard Rob talk about caring for them before they were put on exhibit. I want this little guy. Well, my birthday is tomorrow, so...

1 comment:

  1. sorry if we contributed to olive's cold. poor thing. isn't it so sad to her that rattling and congestion?

    love the j-fishes.
