Just wanted to give a quick shout-out to the Duke basketball team. I was about to finish up my five-mile run on the Khorey's treadmill while waiting for Olive's diapers to tumble dry, and I joined Alex for the first half of the game. It was a killer night. Kept me on the edge of my seat for two hours since they were down till midway through the second half. Way to pull through, boys. No team has more integrity and heart. It always fills me with joy to watch them play. This is where my sports fanaticism really comes through - especially when they play UNC, their biggest rivals. Both teams played a great game, and now I can go to bed happy. I'd rather see Duke win than have a Steelers victory anyway, so this more than compensated for the Super Bowl loss last weekend. Great job, guys. Congratulations on a stellar team, Coach K.

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