Last night as I stood high atop a wooden ladder painting our living room I kept reflecting back on one year ago, February 21st, when I'd waited anxiously for my labor - already two days in - to advance to the point where I could finally get into the birthing tub in our living room to deliver our little Olive. I can scarcely recollect the mind-numbing pain of the contractions, the frustration over never getting to dip so much as a pinkie toe into the tub, and the sleep deprivation that only added to my nuttiness during that Presidents' Day weekend. I remember that these things were happening, but in retrospect all I can really see is that darling Goon, all bright, wide eyes, infectious grin, soft voice and effervescent giggle. An entire year has passed and each day I've been nothing but thankful for the road - particularly at the end -that brought us together. I could not have hand-picked a sweeter child. Yesterday at the Home Depot picking up paint, the woman at the counter exclaimed that "She could be in commercials!" "Yes, I know," I said. "We're very lucky that she's ours." Her adorable looks are only half of it; it's her personality that makes her what she really is: a Little Sweet, as Rob always calls her.
Today we were treated to a special birthday outing with Kellie, Jack, Gail, and Iris. They came to fetch us just as Olive was getting out of her crib (not up from a nap - those didn't happen today) and then we headed out in the radiant and snow-melting sun for a long-awaited visit to Razzy Fresh. It was perfect, since I never got around to baking a beet cake for Olive, so she got to enjoy a bowl full of fresh fruit. Jack and Gail were pleased to present their cousin with a "surprise": a box of two lemon-themed yellow and blue summer suits and a Elizabeth Mitchell kids' songs cd, You Are My Little Bird. Very sweet stuff, and it gets extra points for track 11 being a cover of Gillian Welch and David Rawlings' "Winter's Come and Gone", a song I really adore. As always, it was terrific to see our wonderfully local family. Olive is fascinated by Kellie's kids, and I'm really looking forward to when they're (Olive and Iris, namely) old enough to really know what's going on and become good pals.
Happy first birthday, our precious Olive. We love you so, so, so much!
Tearing into a gift from Aunt Schelly: a super-rad Twilight Ladybug - a ladybug lantern that projects stars onto the ceiling. Really neat.
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