Thursday, June 14, 2012

Goal Setting

I've been feeling hyper-motivated in the last few days.  Having the garden right outside our windows has done something to rev my energy.  Going out to check on and water the leaves of kale and the rest is one of the highlights of my day.  Making art more regularly is creeping back into my daily routine (I'm pleased with how I'm making use of my time, already working on a birthday gift for a special girl who is turning thirteen in August), and I'm starting to prepare paper, a major process in itself, for a collection of work that will be on exhibit at our neighborhood coffee shop in January.  And then there's the running.  I was just reviewing my running log and saw that there were two months so far this year that I ran over 50 miles.  I'd like to shoot for running 50 miles each month.  It's a great head-clearing activity, and I love that Nina has expressed an interest in it, too, so I've taken on a kind of trainer role for her.  We're starting slow and short, but I've encouraged her to keep a journal-calendar so she can record how she feels after each time we go out.

We've also been making improvements on our home.  Anyone who knows me is well aware than I'm no housekeeper, but at the end of most days we spend the five to ten minutes it takes to tidy up the living room, the space that sees the most wreckage during the day.  It's so nice to wake up each morning to a neat room.  The alternative is simply too chaotic for me to think clearly.  And I've been making the bed.  Not every day, but I'm starting to get into the habit.  It looks and feels better.  I feel better.  Things 'round here are good.

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