Saturday, October 22, 2011

20 months

It pains me to think that our girl is a short four months away from turning two, a number that is beginning to sound terrifyingly old, very unbabylike. But oh, what a dear, sweet, silly joy she is! The last week has seen a flurry of new vocabulary as she's catching on and repeating the words she hears us say. Owl (and the hooos that go with it), all done, nigh-night, pumpkin, vacuum, nurse, Buggy, and Olive are some of the things that she's enjoying saying lately. Yesterday she showed a blatant preference for me getting her out of her crib; Rob went in to get her when we first woke up while I was in the bathroom and she withdrew, peering around to the glow of the bathroom light. While no fan of being favored over Rob, I still found it kind of sweet. She's also taken to clinging to my legs and grinning up at me. I absolutely love this. And the hugging. How I live for those sweet hugs. Being a mother to this amazing child could not be more wonderful.
Our goon sporting the most luscious of Van Dyke juice goatees. She can't get enough of the stuff (shown here: kale, parsley, ginger, carrot, celery, lemon, and apple).

1 comment:

  1. I meant to mention to you today what a kisser she was today during church. She was happy to be held by me the whole time and kept leaning in, planting them on me, very sweetly. We'd remarked, too, that her vocabulary was taking off.
    I might add that she's no fan of Mike. He picked her up to change her this morning, and she sobbed, inconsolable heaving sobs. He's baffled at what he did to elicit her extreme aversion.

    Maybe it's the 'stache, but she looks a lot like Rob in that last photo.
