Sunday, March 11, 2012

Glorious Days!

This weekend's weather - today's in particular - was stupendous! We awoke to temperatures still in the 20s; my friend Shauna and I biked gloveless to the market and grimaced the entire way down Penn Avenue from our painfully frozen fingers, but as the hours passed we could feel the sun's warmth through the windows overhead in the Terminal Building. When we left work at 4:30 we were greeted by a cloudless day even more pleasant than we'd realized. Thanks to the time change last night, we were able to enjoy more of the day. Our ride home was splendid. In my sleeveless dress with sun pouring over us like honey, my jacket tied to the baby seat in the back, I could almost imagine I was riding along a boardwalk at the beach. It was sweet, indeed. As soon as I arrived back home, Rob and Olive were ready to take a walk to the park. The three of us set out for the Farmhouse, which was teeming with children and parents. Olive was unsure about all of the hubbub and burst into tears at one point when all of the activity got to be a bit much for her. Aside from days spent with her cousins (which are few and far between these days) and Wednesday mornings at Music Together, she doesn't experience much in the way of toddlers at play (never mind toddlers and slightly older kids set free on a playground on arguably the nicest day of the year), and the unbridled energy was a little bit much for her reserved ways. Poor doll. She did enjoy herself in the end, though.

Here's a bit that Rob filmed yesterday - Buggy as usual - and then some from today's trip to the park:

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