Ben and Rob's visit was enjoyable - particularly for a little girl. I've never seen her so taken with anyone, and she was doubly thrilled by the two newcomers (Ben she remembered, but Rob, with his dark, Lebanese complexion, was exotic and mesmerizing). I plucked her from her crib after they arrived and she stood in the doorway, delightedly taking in the gentlemen callers. She was lit up with their presence the entire time, staying up many hours later than normal to entertain her company, giddily bouncing on their beds and proudly saying their monosyllabic names. The five of us made our requisite trip to Nicky's Thai Kitchen and got all sorts of scrumptious curries and soups, and steamed vegetables and brown rice for Buggy. She ate a meager amount of these and only professed her desire for the rice once I'd thrown it in with my spicy meal. She thought it was oatmeal and couldn't understand why I wouldn't allow her to eat it (we did let her have some leftovers, however, in tiny, cautious doses just to get her acclimated to a little bit of heat). We had a failed attempt at a Razzy Fresh run on Tuesday night but the two locations that we tried were inexplicably closed. This was a major disappointment and hope that it was only because of the holiday week (perhaps they were figuring that, with their target audience of college students mostly away on break, it wasn't worth the effort). Another glitch has been my missing camera battery. It's always something with cameras and me. I'd left it to charge and my feeling is that Olive found it and made off with it, so it could be anywhere. I'm making due by using Rob's iPhone and our video camera, for which I finally got a working charger. It works wonderfully for taking video but its still shots in dimly lit rooms (like most cameras) leave much to be desired. This is why documentation from this week was blurry at best.
Today marked my first day working at the market as owner/operator. It wasn't much different from any other day, except this time I was calculating costs of rent, insurance, and other overhead. The cool part was being able to select some bottles that my dad requested as a gift for his friend Rob, and just mark them on my inventory sheet as having been taken, without having to pay for them - they're already mine. I had a far more successful day than I was anticipating, being open on an odd Thursday, a day we're not normally open, the first day open after the Christmas Binge, and it was exceptionally cold, a factor that can sometimes keep customers from coming in the door. Hopefully tomorrow will be extra busy with people coming in to gather goodies for their New Years festivities.
I arrived home this evening to Rob and Olive on the couch watching animal videos on his phone. He's been showing her cat footage on a somewhat regular basis for a while now and she realized today that she could request other animal "shows": "Iwanna see tapir", "Iwanna see owl", so he'd find a good video of whichever animal struck her fancy. Oh, that little girl is wonderful.
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