Well wouldn't you know it - those Khorey kids threw me the best birthday party I've had since I turned eighteen. It may've been the only birthday party, but the thought that went into it was impressive. The older two gave me a bit of a scare when they arrived home thirty minutes late (Obama was in town and caused horrendous traffic jams), and Nina seemed eager to have Alex home. While having a snack I mentioned to her about Rob's birthday being tomorrow and she remembered: "Aren't your birthdays close? Did I miss yours?" Yes, but I told her not to worry about it. She then told me that I could pretend to forget about his birthday and then celebrate, and that I'd understand later. Alex arrived and seemed especially peppy. He asked me to come outside because he wanted to show me something he'd found, then led me to some interesting fungi that was spreading beneath a tree in their front yard. When he started babbling about a bees' nest somewhere else I started to think something was up. We headed back indoors and Nina summoned me into the dining room to help her with her homework. There on the table was not her homework but a cake and a large gift bag. They'd all planned it out well ahead of time. Nina rummaged through drawers to find a candle, sat me down at the head of the table, turned out the light, then stood at the ready with a camera to capture the moment I blew out the flame after they sang for me. This girl knows how to do birthdays. We passed around plates and ate half of the cake that she'd baked herself between the four of us. Nina gathered the gift and the three cards that each had made for me and moved us to the living room where I sat to open the package. Alex had been eager to hint at the contents: "What's your favorite store?", he prodded. "Walmart", I told him, just to throw him off. I lifted out a beautiful ivory box and unwound the cord that held it together. Inside was an unusual and completely gorgeous trench coat-dress. I've never seen anything like it and that's what I love so much about it. The thing about me is that I like what I like, and perhaps a bit too much, because most of what I have is so much like other things I also have. But this coat is perfect in that it appeals to my aesthetic without resembling anything else I own. And it will look grand with my new flowered boots I found on eBay last month. It's nice when people know me well enough to pick out a great gift - especially as picky as I am. Here's a hint:

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