I've been feeling a bit more social than I have in many years, which is good in a lot of ways. I'm making new friends here whom I really cherish, and cultivating these relationships involves more hours spent away from home. Tuesday night was a regular late one spent with my Khorey kids closing down the Oakland branch of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh (we love that place!), then dining at Little Asia. Wednesday night I joined Katrina and her friend, Erika, for tapas at Ibiza, a Spanish restaurant on the swanky South Side, and arrived home after Rob had retired for the night (he had an early aviary morning the next day). Last night I did turn down a tempting invite from Kat to see some live music put on by one of her coworkers in favor of relaxing with Rob. After putting Olive to bed tonight I left with a paper bag full of popcorn to bring to a housewarming party at Katrina, Shauna, and Cornelius' new place. As much as I was looking forward to officially celebrating their new residence with them and their other friends and sampling from the smorgasbord of edibles and potables, I was a bit dismayed that I was once again having to leave my husband and sleeping child behind. Early on in the evening I was filled with hope when, glancing at the doorway and the party entering the house, I saw a bald baby in the arms of a tall, dark-haired man. Rob and Olive!, I thought (as did Cornelius), before realizing that I'd driven over in the car and the man with baby was only Nathan, Shauna's boss, and his year-old daughter, Emerson. Rats. Nathan's cool, and it was nice to see his girls totting about and playing with the household's rabbit and talking to his wife, but in no way do they hold a candle to my favorite two. I visited for a while longer before loading up a plate with snacks for my Rob and beating a hasty retreat back home. Friends and evening outings are enjoyable from time to time, but with my husband is where I most love to be.
Kat and Shauna (that's fourth housemate, Mark, slinking across the background)
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