Saturday, April 16, 2011

Going 'Round the Bend?

To use a phrase favored by my mother, I swunny. Today I finally started feeling like the walls were closing in on me. Though I was able to make it out the door to work this morning without having to call in the S.W.A.T. team to locate my car keys or forgetting to bring something critical like the cash drawer with me to the market, things are beginning to pile up and go awry. I honestly don't know how my sister does it. It's not like my job is all that taxing, but it does involve some take-home business for me wherein I utilize my never-impressive mathematics skills to balance the earnings of not one but two booths (I know, I know. Woe is me for having to count cash and bottles of olive oil when some folks' work consists of circumventing the intricate network of arteries to perform life-saving surgery). I left work early to be home in time for Rob to get to his overnight educator job at the zoo. While walking to the car Olive's full bottle (that we'd just found under the couch not thirty minutes prior) fell out of the diaper bag and landed with a heartbreaking shatter on the cement. We'd done remarkably well with our two Dr. Brown's glass bottles over the last year, so it was really the loss of milk that pained me most. Olive and I dropped him off then headed back down to the market because I'd not brought in the correct key for the zippered envelope for making bank deposits so I needed to go back to take care of that, only I couldn't find those keys while I was home (where were they?, you ask. Oh, just right on the shelf where they always are, just hiding behind a box of batteries).

I think my biggest problem is that our apartment is trashed and I can't live here with a clear head so I'm constantly going around in an addled fog. This must be how a drug addict must feel, I think sometimes. I can easily see why people hire housekeepers - because they simply cannot maintain their spaces themselves. I fear that I am one of those people, and it's really starting to drive me batty. I work all the time, Rob works quite a bit, too, and I have a hard time tearing myself away from those sweet moments together with my family to give the place the thorough reorganizing it needs. It may be time to hire a professional.

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear! Could we come some morning-early afternoon and maybe take Olive to the park for a couple of hours so you could have some time to get your place in order? So you know, I think I'm just as round the bend, but I think I've had longer to learn to make it work. There are just those days when everything seems to go awry and I keep doing absent-minded things and nothing liquid can stay IN its container.

    I don't know how YOU do it all, with all of your jobs and going here and there. I've given up trying to keep track of what your schedule looks like because it always seem so involved and confusing. Anyway, we'd be happy to help in any way we can!
