Last night my kids (I'll sometimes refer to the three young Khoreys as "my kids", since I kind of see them that way. Who knew I'd love being a nanny so much? Not me.) were banking on a snow day today. The conditions were pretty dicey on my way home, and the chances looked good. Still, I got a message this morning saying that there was only a 2-hour delay, which is still pretty cool. Rob was long gone, off at the aviary, but as soon as Olive and I got up to get ready to take the Khoreys to school, I found out school was cancelled for the day. Ah! My first experience since my teaching days with a snow day. I'd forgotten that I, too, would be reaping the benefits! I used my unexpected day off to do a little cleaning of my own abode (my first day as a cleaning gal was a lot more pleasant than I'd imagined, and had the company of Judy, Rob, and their cat, Zoe, while I scrubbed their kitchen floor, de-cobwebbed windows, and vacuumed. After cleaning their bathroom - which wasn't bad to begin with - I decided it was time to give our tub some love. I still have a little more work to do on one side of it, as I ran out of baking soda mid-scrub, but boy, was it fun! I so love cleaning with vinegar and baking soda, too. It's so wonderfully effective and completely harmless to us. I could hardly wait to throw the Goon into it for her bath!

Note the lengthening and darkening locks
My paintings are finally finished and ready to go. I just need to construct a large cardboard envelope out of boxes we saved from Christmas for just this purpose. And I have to say, ol' Star Wars doesn't look half bad from a distance. Not half bad. An enormous weight has been lifted.
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