Friday, December 31, 2010

Curious Goons

Rob's sister, Schelly, got Olive a Curious George anthology and stuffed animal for Christmas. His chosen career path as a zookeeper brought with it another blessing: not only do we get to visit the zoo often and touch apes and mind-blowing things like that, but people seem to make different choices when shopping for gifts for our daughter; animal themes abound, and folks explain their selections with things like, Well, we thought of Rob because of the birds or the apes or what have you. Pretty great. Perhaps I do have him to thank for the lack of Polly Pocket/Betsy Wetsy-types of toys geared toward little girls, but maybe it's me. Most who know me know that I abhorred, from an early age, all things doll, and assume that I'm steering away from them with my own daughter. Well, rest assured, all of you who are horrified that I would deny my princess all things frilly, frothy, fluffy, and pink. I recognize that most girls do go through a babydoll or - heaven forbid - Barbie stage, so, while I'm not going to push this, I am willing to indulge her should she show the interest. In the meantime, however, she's perfectly content with a multi-faced Hansel and Gretel cloth book-doll sort of thing that was mine when I was a child. I like to be able to tell my grandmother that I do have a doll for her after she chided me for not letting her have one. Dotting my "i"s and crossing my "t"s, you know?

As I was saying, Schelly is awesome, and a superb gift-giver, to boot. Her Curious George set was met with much enthusiasm from the Goon, who has George confused with a cat, and she excitedly points to him in the pages of the book and utters her staccato "Caaah-t!"

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