The past few weeks I've been lucky enough to have the company of Rob and Olive during my lunch break at the Public Market. Saturdays tend to be long days for me there (8-5:30, plus an hour round-trip bicycle commute), so it's great to see them when they arrive. Olive, true to her namesake, is really into the oils, savoring the little bread chunks dipped in the Karoneiki (a yummy Greek variety that is my favorite), lemon, and lime-infused oils, and showing her pleasure with a greasy-lipped grin. We haven't ventured into balsamic territory with her yet; I fear that the vinegars may be too acidic for her little stomach. I do, however, look forward to the day when I can watch the expression on her face change when she tastes the peach or blueberry flavors. Her millions of taste buds are in for a real treat with these! Here are a few shots that my dear boss, Larry took this past Saturday - the first Cramer family shot since they day we left Homer in August. I think this needs to happen more often.

we went to t.j.'s today too- after we stopped by your place. glad we got to see you guys. olive was so sweet, as usual. gail is just excited that she has a playmate who's a little more mobile than iris- sorry she was a bit rough. hope to see you soon!