Friday was rough; Olive was feverish all day, and miserable as a result. I wasn't feeling so great, myself, but I was chalking it up to lack of sleep. We typically put her down for the night at 8:30, and proceed to stay up till 1 am as she's waking for her latenight feeding, and that finally took its toll. I noticed early on Friday the heat radiating from her bald little head - much warmer than normal. When her behavior started to become more erratic, I took her temperature: just a hair over 100. She was reluctant to eat, and we let her sleep as much as she would. Saturday morning she began crying - broken smoke alarm-style - in the wee hours, keeping me up most of the night. The poor thing was miserable. By late morning, however, whatever it was her body was fighting had passed, and she was cheerful for the rest of the day.
Our dear friend, Bruce, had just gotten back to the area from Napa, where he lives most of the year. I hadn't seen him since the folk group's final performance at the Machias Grange in mid-December, and a lot has changed since then. We met him for dinner at the Pickled Herring, and it was wonderful, as usual.

The waitress offered to take our picture.Afterwards we headed up to the Rose Garden where our friend, Duane Ingalls, was playing music. Getting home at 9:45, Olive went to bed a little later than usual, but we've decided that we'll try pushing back her bedtime a little bit, as she slept through the night, not stirring until 7:30 am! We woke feeling well-rested and clear-headed.
Here are some shots from this evening of a spirited, fever-free Buggy. Well, this one's a
different kind of fever...
Needless to say, R.E.M.'s Just a Touch was playing. Who can blame her?

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