I got a little behind with blogging this past week because we were without internet and telephone since last Tuesday (a little mishap with a wire that was snapped during Zoe's bedroom rearranging tirade; to say she's like a bull in a china shop is like saying that I sort of like R.E.M.). But no matter; it's now fixed, and I quite enjoyed the near-week of no phone and internet - like a vacation in the woods. It made me decide that once a week we should turn off the ringer on the phone and abstain from internet use just to get away from it.
Today I'm going running for the first time in a long while. I'd make an effort to jog up to our house if I was returning from our friend Alice's, who lives a few blocks away and down a considerable hill, up until my 8th month of pregnancy just to keep in the habit. Today, though, I'm returning to my old hobby; the shorts are on and as soon as Rob returns from picking up Zoe from school, I'll head out into the sunshine and see how far my body lets me go...
Oh, and Buggy turned 6 weeks old yesterday.

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