Tuesday, rather than today, was my last day of work. I'd planned on working through the week, minus Friday for my last midwife appointment, but when I felt like I was dragging myself through the day, holding myself up on file cabinets and such, I knew it was time to give it a rest. It's not like I was going to get the Big Hero award at my school for sticking it out to the bitter end. So I've spent the last two days at home tidying up, painting, taking walks with Rob, and trying to not watch the proverbial pot. Last night, the little one had a major burst of energy; she'd been more or less dormant for the past few days, but at bedtime she was responding to me rubbing areas where I felt her knees and feet poking. She's a ticklish one, to be sure, and was moving around to beat the band.
Two nights ago Rob took this picture of me (the first few he took from a most-unflattering foot-beneath-me angle - who
does that? - till I explained to him that it's bad form), just so we have at least one shot of me while I'm good and pregnant. This is why I'm not overly enthused by having my picture taken while I'm aware. A feast for the eyes:

Now I'm off to finish cleaning the bedroom...
just waitin' for that call, gilbert.