This is the way my life works: I lose something important, I replace it, I find the original missing thing. The day after my new camera battery arrived in the mail, I was going through some things in the bedroom and found the extra battery charger and in it was the old battery. Ah! Under my nose all along. It's good to have two, though, just in case.
This morning Olive and I joined some of our new friends, Gabe and Ella and Courtney and Willa, at the National Aviary for a morning of bird watching (and feeding!). The three girls are all within six months of one another and are wonderful playmates. I also feel very fortunate to have formed a friendship with Gabe and Courtney, who I met at Music Together. We're now in the same class as Courtney and Willa and usually have a brief encounter with Gabe and Ella on their way in to the class after ours. During outings it's becoming increasingly challenging to keep a handle on Olive, ever adventurous, independent, and inquisitive. The aviary is a source of many wonders for an almost-two year-old, and at one point, while talking to Courtney, another mother brought over Olive and asked if she belonged to one of us. Sensing my preoccupation she seized the opportunity to make a beeline to the enclosure housing the green-winged trumpeters and toucans. She loved that exhibit most of all.
I'm going to start tracking the progress of my little fig tree. The thing has shot up with new buds and leaves appearing nearly every day. Just last month its first new leaf made its appearance and today I counted eleven. Truly miraculous. There's a chance of fruit this summer, I think, and I can hardly wait.
Buggy was smitten with the wattled currasows. I think she was inspired by their coifs.
Ella. Look at that face.
She will readily turn her face into a scowl upon request. It's one of the best tricks I've ever seen.
This rock wall provided just as much entertainment as the birds themselves. Put rock climbing gear on Olive's birthday list.
I really was impressed by this bird with its brilliantly hued metallic-looking feathers.
Ella and Buggy practicing good teamwork.
Just look at those lush leaves! And to think that it had sat dormant, just a few naked sticks, for four months!
Fig tree and Precious Junior, the rubber tree plant (it came with the name; we don't name our plants), enjoying the southward-facing windowHere's a sweet clip that Rob caught of Olive singing one of her favorite jams, accompanied by her ukulele. Not bad.