Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Final Countdown

I'm at the point where I'm counting down by days and no longer by weeks or months. 24 is the day today - 24 days remaining until my estimated due date (though I'm beginning to fear and doubt the accuracy of that; after all, it's only an estimation). If I go until March with this baby, I think I may lose it.

Still, our birthing tub has been delivered, currently serving as a table for our gallon jugs of water we keep for drinking in our kitchen. We will unpackage and erect it when the signs of early labor present themselves. Yesterday we got our car seat, the last on the list of essential items. Plans have been laid for the midwives and doula coming to our house when it all happens, and roles are being assigned (Amy, our doula, will be the honorary tea maker, manning a stock pot of delicious tea on the stove, as well as documentarian with cameras, while Rob keeps a paper grocery bag filled to the brim with popcorn with nutritional yeast, my snack of choice). We have three more midwife visits, if that (the last of which is scheduled for the 16th, three days before my due date. I hope I go by then! I'm not in a lot of pain or discomfort, but my level of patience has been waning since Week 34 (Friday will be Week 37). While I can still sleep fairly well at night, and get around like a regularly functioning adult with developed motor skills, it's high time I met this little squirmer in my belly, that's growing bigger by the day. Pictures will accompany soon, rest assured.